System 1000 Lightning Protection System
The ERITECH INTERCEPTOR SI is an Early Streamer Emission (ESE) air terminal that is designed in accordance to the NFC 17-102 standard.
The design requirements, protection level calculations, and protection radius are obtained from this standard.
ERITECH INTERCEPTOR SI includes an internal control circuit, which claims an early launch of an upward leader, as compared to other passive air terminals.
ERICO offers three (3) ERITECH® INTERCEPTOR SI air terminals.
• SI25 with a triggering advance of 25μs
• SI40 with a triggering advance of 40μs
• SI60 with a triggering advance of 60μs
During thunderstorm conditions when the lightning down-leader is approaching the ground, an upward leader may be created by any
conductive surface exposed to the intensifying electric field.
In the case of a passive conventional lightning rod, the upward leader propagates only after a long period of charge reorganization, although in the case of the ERITECH INTERCEPTOR SI ESE, the initiation time of an upward leader is greatly reduced.
The ERITECH INTERCEPTOR SI ESE terminal generates controlled magnitude and frequency pulses at the tip of the terminal during high static field characteristic prior to a lightning discharge. This enables the creation of an upward leader from the terminal that propagates towards the downward leader coming from the thundercloud much earlier than a conventional air terminal.
To build a system, you will need to select
- The required number of Air Terminals (as per the lightning protection design)
- Type of Air terminal:
- Type and Length of Mounting mast:
- Type and Length of Down conductor :
- Method of connecting Down conductor to Mounting Mast/ Air terminal:
- Type of Lightning Event Counter:
System 1000 Components
ACF2GS Mast Bracket X Shape
ALOF1GS Mast Support
INTCPTADBUTTSII Mast Adaptor Insert, 30 mm Hole
INTCPTADM116UN ER2 Mast Terminal Adaptor
INTCPTADM58 5/8 UNC Air Terminal to ER2 Mast Adaptor
INTCPTSIIER1 SII Terminal to ER1 Mast Adaptor
INTCPTSIIER2 SII Terminal to ER1 Mast Adaptor
INTCPTSIIERICOR Early Streamer Emission Terminal to ERICO ERICORE Adaptor
LEC-IV Lightning Event Counter
LEC-IVR Lightning Event Counter with remote monitoring
LEC-V Digital Lightning Event Counter
S125 Early Streamer Emission Terminal, 25 µs Triggered Advance, ∆T
S140 Early Streamer Emission Terminal, 40 µs Triggered Advance, ∆T (
S160 Early Streamer Emission Terminal, 60 µs Triggered Advance, ∆T
SIM28A2 SIM Stainless Steel Mast, Upper Mast Section, 2 m
SIM33B2 2 SIM Stainless Steel Mast, Mid Mast Section, 2 m
SIM33B3 SIM Stainless Steel Mast, Mid Mast Section, 3 m
SIM40C2 SIM Stainless Steel Mast, Lower Section 2m
SIMBASE2840 Mast Base
TMCSS Pipe Clamp, 20–32 mm dia, 25 x 3 mm, 26 x 2 mm, 30 x 2 mm Tape